

In recent years the company has added to traditional distribution a new retail project, with the aim of opening a number of direct sales outlets, through which value the rich offer of its production.

This raises the brand CHAOS. In ancient Greek cosmology, Chaos indicates the state of complete disorder of the existing material elements to the formation of the universe ordained; in the theory of complex systems, it is for a condition toward which a system when its laws entail unpredictable and irregular developments. The company reality CHAOS translates into an uproar that cyclically wraps creative and manufacturers can, on his arrival, to generate exclusive collections of underwear, nightwear and swimwear that you can find in the three stores located in the hinterland of the province of Bari:
Andria – Cavour, 41
Corato – via Duomo, 85
Barletta – via F. D’aragona, 25